
Amazing Spider-man 2 A story about lost and hope

This is my sunday morning, the day where many people can be a bit more free. Where people can take time for themselves or to have time together with families and friends. I was sitting at my couch to have a lunch, I turn on the TV to see if there were anything interesting. Until I there I saw one of the channel played Amazing Spiderman 2. A superhero action movie which usually I have not much hope for me to feel entertained. That's because usually I found superheroes box office action movies only filled with explosion, gun firing, fighting scenes and super powers yet it lacks a message. If the feeling after I watched those movies could speak it was like "What, that's it? Why I'm watching this?" Amazing Spiderman 2 was one of those few superhero box office action movie that actually I like. Not because this movie got better action scene compared to the others, it was cool but it was the message, the values and the emotions that catch my interest. So let'

I Look Into Jungian Archetypes or Psychology

In the post "I want to understand myself better", I talk about how I want to look into psychology and how I hope it will help me to understand my personality and find a way to work around myself. Since just like everyone I have weaknesses. And I want to find a way how I could improve the aspect that I am weak in or to find a way around it using my strength. All in all I'm trying to find a way that work best for me and to provide me with the self-control tools to approach this life and and to bring my quality of life up. I'm trying to look at the theory of Jungian psychology by Carl Jung a Swiss Psychiatrist. Which is already very popular and that many psychology test also based on it. The very famous one would be Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Although there's a deficiency of the test that some people could get different results when doing the test again, but personally I have seen many people that represents a lot or similar to the characteristic of the type th

A Wish From The Owl

Ah, a message from someone far away A message to the owl who long to the star in the sky A creature that marry the knight Aligned, reflection of the moon in sight I turned my head in 270 degrees, And saw the people around me appease To the  unpurposeful empty life and mainstream disease Only for me to disagrees Hanging out at another branches Closer to your ears, Puffing my chest with air, Then singing an ancient song known to the owls As a gesture of gratitude For many people that think of me, For those that prays for me, For the shining star that smiles to me, And for the message and wishes that each of you have bought At the very end of the song, The owl's head slightly tilting, To show he wish you the same

I want to understand myself better

Have you ever wonder how to live this life? You tried to do the way others do but you are struggling to make it work for yourself. It's like there's something that is not click with the method. Like the approach were just not suited for you. We know those are necessary and yet, we struggle to find the emotional reasons to do it while others can be motivated with the approach. This is what I've been trying to look. To find a way to work around myself. How can I work around myself if I were not able to even understand about myself. And so for this last few days, I'm trying to look into the psychology side. To understand about my personality and the explanations of it. I was skeptical about this at first, but think about it there's nothing to lose. I can receive all the information with open mind, I can assess each information  to decide whether it is true or not for me. I will post an update here about information that I get and my per

Starting to Exercise

It's Thursday and about a week and a half ago I'm starting to do exercise. It's started when I saw an app at Google Play Store called Home Workout - No Equipment by Leap Fitness Group. That's what I saw at first then I saw they got another app called Six Pack in 30 days, which I am interested to give it a look. So I installed it and take a look at the app and saw that they got 3 separate plan of exercises. The first one is for losing weight but also to help adjust you with some basic easy exercises to start build your stomach muscle, and then next 2 is for intermediate and advanced. Basically the heavier the level, the heavier and harder the kind of exercises provided. And most importantly all the exercise provide are the exercises that you can do at home with a mattress and that's all you need. Right now, I'm trying the first level of the exercises and find that it's really helping me, to keep me scheduled and motivated. A lot of times I do more than

Smoldering Dream

I still keep my dream, Just like a little fire Coated with both palm of my hands Protecting it from the wind that could wither the fire Keeping the fire alive Surviving through the chilling breeze of winter While my mind imagine a hand Wrapping around my body to keep me warm The hand of a friend The hand of the chosen one The hand of the one I can trust The hand of the one I know the feel of the touch So then the fire can keep blazing Sparkling bright projecting the light Enlighten and push away the dark Spreading the tender red across the vision of the eyes

Wake Up! (A Call To Those Who Sleep)

Get up my boy, the world is waiting for you. The road might be full of obstacles and sharp rocks. But it's the only road you can have for your journey. Need a fighter, no coward. Life is a living battlefield. If you don't put up your armour and weapons then you will be vulnerable to all the possible calamities. To the spears and swords. Or to the circumstances of the war. Put down your worry instead raise your head, look to the sky and believe. You might not be able to see what's the great treasure that waiting for you there now, but let your heart guides you. Because when the heart believes the truth it is magical. Come on take my hand and let's start a new run. Let's make it a marathon this time so we cover a lot of distance. What seems to be so far away place, you might just make it if you try. But if you don't then what might come for you. So, gather strength on your feet and stand. You will do it boy!