Amazing Spider-man 2 A story about lost and hope

This is my sunday morning, the day where many people can be a bit more free. Where people can take time for themselves or to have time together with families and friends.

I was sitting at my couch to have a lunch, I turn on the TV to see if there were anything interesting. Until I there I saw one of the channel played Amazing Spiderman 2. A superhero action movie which usually I have not much hope for me to feel entertained. That's because usually I found superheroes box office action movies only filled with explosion, gun firing, fighting scenes and super powers yet it lacks a message. If the feeling after I watched those movies could speak it was like "What, that's it? Why I'm watching this?"

Amazing Spiderman 2 was one of those few superhero box office action movie that actually I like. Not because this movie got better action scene compared to the others, it was cool but it was the message, the values and the emotions that catch my interest. So let's talk about what this movies actually bring aside from all that glittering effects and action scene.

The theme surrounding the movie is about lost and hope, it was a very obvious theme that was emphasized in many moments of the movie. Now let me address those moments on the movie and how these moments or events are related to this idea of lost and hope.

In the story we know Peter's father Richard Parker are a scientist working for Oscorp, and when he discovered that they tried to use his research data to create weapons, he refused to give his research data and that made Oscorp to frame Richard of stealing their data. Knowing this Peter's father choose to leave the country and disappear to protect his research data. Aboard the private plane hijacked by an Assasin sent by Oscord, Richard must fight for his life and to protect his research data. But when doing so, the assasin shot his wife, leaving her dying. The scene then showed how Richard still struggling to fight with the assassin then his eyes panned towards his wife as he saw his wife was already dead. At that moment, Richard lost his will to fight for his life and only to fight to protect the data. So he shot the window and made all of them died together on that plane.

Later on the story Peter decided to asked about his parents to aunt May. The expression on aunt May suddenly changed after Peter asked that question, she was angered and lost her composure saying Peter was selfish to ask that question, how Peter's parents came at one night and asked Aunt May and Uncle Ben to took care of their son with no explanation, and how it was so difficult for Aunt May for having to took care of Peter by herself after she lost Uncle Ben. But later Aunt May told Peter about it after she was calmed by Peter's reply.

With the information he gathered from Aunt May, Peter decided to find out more about his parents and the reason for their death. After went through with many research and by the help of unexpected fortune, Peter managed to found his father secret lab where he found Richard recording himself. From the video, Peter realized that the reason of his father abandoned him was to protect him from the danger that his father can not escaped. Meaning Peter's parents must deal with a decision of losing their position to be close with Peter again and maybe to never met him again as part of the consequence.

The story also revolved around Peter's relationship with Gwen Stacy. The relationship of the two was shaken when Peter starting to felt a great sense of guilty after not being able to save her father. That made Peter became afraid of losing Gwen too, and so he said to Gwen he cannot continue.

The situation led to Gwen broke up with Peter, and that she told Peter she will went to UK for study. But Peter feelings remained the same until later Peter got his resolved, Peter told Gwen that he still loves her and that it's the only way he can go with, refusing to get separated he chose to go together to UK with Gwen.

But not long after the villain did their part on the story, calling Peter to live his role as a superhero. The fight went on and Gwen Stacy was involved on the hurricane of the fight helping Peter fighting the villain. But this time the outcome was not so desirable. Gwen was killed.

Depression took over Peter's heart. Spider-man was gone for 7 months. Until on one morning, Peter saw his aunt moving Uncle's Ben item from her room. Saying that she was not trying to get rid of it, the memories always stay with her.
Moments later, Peter find himself in his room then he decided to watch the video of Gwen Stacy graduation speech.
Cited from Gwen graduation speech this is some part of what she said

" Fight for what matters to you, no matter what.
Because even if you fall short, what better way is there to live?

It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today,
but there will be dark days ahead of us too,
and there'll be days where you feel all alone,
and that's when hope is needed most.

Keep it alive. No matter how buried it gets,
or lost you feel, you must promise me,
that you will hold on to hope and keep it alive.

We have to be greater than what we suffer.
My wish for you, is to become hope. People need that.

I know it feels like we're saying goodbye,
but we will carry a piece of each other into everything that we do next,
to remind us of who we are, and of who we're meant to be. "

After hearing this, Peter watched a news played on his TV that Rhino the new villain was causing havoc on the city. On the middle of the villain fighting and send away the cops, a boy wearing a spider suit was breaching the parameter and rushing right in front of Rhino. He stated he believe that Spider will make his come back. Not long after the last scene kicked in, showing Peter save the boy and fight the villain.

I took Gwen's Stacy speech from YVONNE GOH blog
Feel free to check the blog to see the full script of Gwen graduation speech on the movie.
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