A Wish From The Owl

Ah, a message from someone far away
A message to the owl who long to the star in the sky
A creature that marry the knight
Aligned, reflection of the moon in sight

I turned my head in 270 degrees,
And saw the people around me appease
To the  unpurposeful empty life and mainstream disease
Only for me to disagrees

Hanging out at another branches
Closer to your ears,
Puffing my chest with air,
Then singing an ancient song known to the owls
As a gesture of gratitude

For many people that think of me,
For those that prays for me,
For the shining star that smiles to me,
And for the message and wishes that each of you have bought

At the very end of the song,
The owl's head slightly tilting,
To show he wish you the same


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