I want to understand myself better

Have you ever wonder how to live this life?
You tried to do the way others do but you are struggling to make it work for yourself.
It's like there's something that is not click with the method.
Like the approach were just not suited for you.

We know those are necessary and yet,
we struggle to find the emotional reasons to do it while others can be motivated with the approach.

This is what I've been trying to look.
To find a way to work around myself.
How can I work around myself if I were not able to even understand about myself.

And so for this last few days, I'm trying to look into the psychology side.
To understand about my personality and the explanations of it.
I was skeptical about this at first, but think about it there's nothing to lose.
I can receive all the information with open mind, I can assess each information  to decide whether it is true or not for me.

I will post an update here about information that I get and my personal opinion about it.
So that's about it, check further post if you are interested


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