I Look Into Jungian Archetypes or Psychology

In the post "I want to understand myself better",
I talk about how I want to look into psychology and how I hope it will help me to understand my personality and find a way to work around myself.
Since just like everyone I have weaknesses. And I want to find a way how I could improve the aspect that I am weak in or to find a way around it using my strength. All in all I'm trying to find a way that work best for me and to provide me with the self-control tools to approach this life and and to bring my quality of life up.

I'm trying to look at the theory of Jungian psychology by Carl Jung a Swiss Psychiatrist. Which is already very popular and that many psychology test also based on it. The very famous one would be Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Although there's a deficiency of the test that some people could get different results when doing the test again, but personally I have seen many people that represents a lot or similar to the characteristic of the type they are identified with.
And personally I also find that the type I was identified with to accurately represents my personality.
The test itself will give you four letters as the result.

The four letters represents psychological types which the person is belong to. And each of the fours letters are taken from between two letters.
For better understanding I will lay down what those four letters are.
The first of the four letter will be either:
'E' for Extrovert or
'I' for Introvert
The second letter will be either:
'N' for Intuition or
'S' for Sensing
The third letter will be either:
'F' for Feeling or
'T' for Thinking
The fourth letter will be either:
'P' for Perception or
'J' for Judgement

These four letter will tell how a person perceive the world around them and make a decisions. It will tell how the person's mindset or how their natural approach into life would be. It is still very much affected with social cultural and the influence from their surrounding. But it should tell the nature of the person if the test result correctly identified the person.

If you never took the test before and are interested to know, you can take the test. There are many test available online that you can take.

I will talk more about what those letters actually mean and cognitive function from this psychology type.
So until then see you guys next time!


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