The Story Of Two Horses

One day 2 horse are moving together. The day is raining heavily as they try to hike a slope to reach other of their pack. But because of the rain suddenly a rock falling from above the slope, rolling and bouncing with great impact. As the two horses trying to avoid it they slip from the slope they try to hike and end up in a muddy swamp below.

The day still rains heavily as now both of them have their bodies stuck in a mud from the neck down. Luckily both of them suffers no serious injuries only a few scratches and bruises. And now they keep shouting to each other as they try to make their way out of the muddy swamp. But halfway into getting themselves free, one of the horses say
"This is too hard, I will stop now. Nothing lies ahead of me and I have no one waiting for me even if I manage to get out of this swamp"
Then his pal says back to him, he says
"That's nonsense, you got a friend in me. Come on we need to out of this swamp!"
While he uses every power of his muscles can generate to keep on kicking. Desperate to get out.

The evening has come to dawn and the horse who try finally manage to get out of the swamp.
"Come on just a little more, you can do it", He says as he waits and cheers
for his pal.
But not long after, they hear a big cracking sound coming, getting louder and louder
"The flood is coming, you need to get out of here." Says the horse that still
in the swamp.
His pal silently stand in there his eyes gazing into the path that could lead him safely to the higher ground.
"No, I will be here with you". His pal reply after a few seconds.

Stuttered is an understatement to define the reaction that the horse in the swamp makes after hearing the reply.
But now the flood is coming as it swept everything in its path.
The morning comes and the forest is a messy place now after the flood.
Debris of woods are all around and along with it are bodies of two horses lying next to each other.


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