Life Journey #2: The Lesson from Oral Lesion

Sometimes I get this lesion somewhere in my mouth. I don’t know why but I get it quite frequently. It’s like Somewhere within a month I would suffer from it 1 or 2 or even more times. It’s mildly painful when I got it on my lips, but when I got it on my tongue or somewhere on the side of my mouth, ooh don’t ask me. The pain is just so exquisite.

The pain itself, it feels like there are millions of mini troop with their spear stabbing against my lips. And when it’s on my tongue. It feels like that area of my tongue is like about to explode. Sometimes I hated it so much that I want to bite and endure against the pain. I only made it so much worse when I did that. It really needs a self-control to not go all rage and bite the wounds. When I can suppress it, It feels like my self-control is actually on the same level as a monk who fasting for months.

Continuous pain channels from my mouth into my head. If inside my head were a sea. Felt like there is a big whirlpool inside my head. Really sucking my energy and also a lot of my thoughts. I want to plant my hand and just pull it out. Sounds scary and horrible but really I just want to get the pain out of my head.

Don’t know why I suffer this so often. Sometimes I bite my part of my mouth, sometimes I hurt my mouth because I brush my teeth too fast, sometimes because of a lack of drinking water, maybe lack of vitamin c, or maybe because I have a pointy tooth and I was a descendant of a great Dracula. Who knows?

But at the end of the day usually, I make it worse by eating spicy foods because I like them a lot. Again, that’s why I feel like I am a monk when I am able to control this. Can you?

At the very least, when this constant trial has passed I can rejoice and thankful for a healthy mouth I have than ever before. And I can learn to take care of this particular aspect more carefully. Hereby I wish all of you who are still on the same fight or ever experience it the best of luck.


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