
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Story Of Two Horses

One day 2 horse are moving together. The day is raining heavily as they try to hike a slope to reach other of their pack. But because of the rain suddenly a rock falling from above the slope, rolling and bouncing with great impact. As the two horses trying to avoid it they slip from the slope they try to hike and end up in a muddy swamp below. The day still rains heavily as now both of them have their bodies stuck in a mud from the neck down. Luckily both of them suffers no serious injuries only a few scratches and bruises. And now they keep shouting to each other as they try to make their way out of the muddy swamp. But halfway into getting themselves free, one of the horses say "This is too hard, I will stop now. Nothing lies ahead of me and I have no one waiting for me even if I manage to get out of this swamp" Then his pal says back to him, he says "That's nonsense, you got a friend in me. Come on we need to out of this swamp!" While he uses every powe

Life Journey #2: The Lesson from Oral Lesion

Sometimes I get this lesion somewhere in my mouth. I don’t know why but I get it quite frequently. It’s like Somewhere within a month I would suffer from it 1 or 2 or even more times. It’s mildly painful when I got it on my lips, but when I got it on my tongue or somewhere on the side of my mouth, ooh don’t ask me. The pain is just so exquisite. The pain itself, it feels like there are millions of mini troop with their spear stabbing against my lips. And when it’s on my tongue. It feels like that area of my tongue is like about to explode. Sometimes I hated it so much that I want to bite and endure against the pain. I only made it so much worse when I did that. It really needs a self-control to not go all rage and bite the wounds. When I can suppress it, It feels like my self-control is actually on the same level as a monk who fasting for months. Continuous pain channels from my mouth into my head. If inside my head were a sea. Felt like there is a big whirlpool inside my head. R