
Showing posts from November, 2018

Life Journey #1: It's Not About Me

Grayscale, that’s the colour of life as an individual. Black and white, nothing else. Nothing else when we see our life as just our self. Not much purpose, not much meaning. As we try to taste it, tasteless. But don’t you hear the bird sings, admire how an animal tries to survive, and envy the grasses who live in harmony? I see Life will have its purpose when it collides with other lives, side to side. One will glow and show its colour while the other embracing the colour and emitting another colour. Vibrant, so vastly unique. They are just connected one to another. When I heard my father will need to have another surgery, I took him to the hospital. That’s the least I can do. Accompany him on the receptionist, and into the checking room. And tomorrow, I will be there after the surgery has done. Just trying to be present. Just being a life for another life. Sometimes we are too focused on ourselves. We are trying too hard to fill our needs. We forget about others. Where without

The Journey Begins!

Have you ever questioned the place where you currently stands at is the right place for you? I think this is a question that any of us at some point would ask ourselves. Or is it a question other need to remind because we are so occupied with the present needs and demands. If we haven't think about it well let's take a moment to ask it to ourselves to get the answer. Do you try to see into the future? We live in the present for sure, but what lies next are in the future. Distant yet close and will come to us sooner than later. Did you see your future is bright, with the blue clear sky and the sun shines its warm light, or you don't know what you could find in your future. It's foggy and you don't know what lies there waiting for you. Life can always produce unexpected things. Like a train on a track, life can sometimes change its course at any moment. But while you can dream, why not dream and try so we can lead the train to the target destination. Later it mig