
Showing posts from January, 2019

Wake Up! (A Call To Those Who Sleep)

Get up my boy, the world is waiting for you. The road might be full of obstacles and sharp rocks. But it's the only road you can have for your journey. Need a fighter, no coward. Life is a living battlefield. If you don't put up your armour and weapons then you will be vulnerable to all the possible calamities. To the spears and swords. Or to the circumstances of the war. Put down your worry instead raise your head, look to the sky and believe. You might not be able to see what's the great treasure that waiting for you there now, but let your heart guides you. Because when the heart believes the truth it is magical. Come on take my hand and let's start a new run. Let's make it a marathon this time so we cover a lot of distance. What seems to be so far away place, you might just make it if you try. But if you don't then what might come for you. So, gather strength on your feet and stand. You will do it boy!